Today we’re learning rhythm 2!
Play the notes separately with your left hand: from the C note up to Bb, then back down to E.
(Note the swivel on your thumb- u Bb and back to G)

REMEMBER: Play the following in order.
C, E, G, A, Bb, A, G, E
Then repeat.
At the middle C, play a C chord on the right hand BETWEEN each of the chords played by your left hand.

The easiest way to play this rhythm is via the above image. Jerry Lee Lewis, however, has a different technique that uses two chords on the right hand for each note on the left hand. This is eight half beats per bar.

Try to transpose the sequence of the chord of C to the chords of F and G. Note that these three patterns are alike. The difference is that the G pattern ends on a white note as opposed to a black note. Otherwise, the patterns would be entirely identical.

Now try Jerry Lewis’ technique: the 12 bar Jerry Lee Style Boogie
Take note that for each chord, you only play half the sequence in bars 9 and 10.

Work out a 12 bar blues in any key.
Basic 12 bar Blues uses three chords only. E.g. Key C uses chords C, F, and G. Going on the scale of C, you will notice that the said three chords are built on the 1st, 4th and 5th notes of the particular scale. They are known as I, IV, and V.

Using this formula, you can figure out the three basic Blues chords of ANY key. Below are standard Blues progressions (easier keys).

Here are a few Straight Eight Boogie practice songs:
ALL SHOOK UP G Alternating Right Hand
BLUE SUEDE SHOES G (opening riff F# on to G) Alternating Right Hand
CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE (Queen) G Alternating Right Hand
GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY (Little Richard) C Full Right Hand
GREAT BALLS OF FIRE (Jerry Lee Lewis) Full Right Hand
HOUND DOG (Elvis) Alternating Right Hand
JAILHOUSE ROCK G (opening riff F# on to G) Alternating Right Hand
REMEMBER: these songs can be played two ways. The difference is huge!