Today we’ll learn the Half Beat Bounce Rhythm. Slower songs make use of this rhythm.
Four beats per bar is played by your right hand whereas the first beat of EVERY bar (or chord change) is played by your left hand. The left hand is also played on a “half beat” this is played after second and fourth beats.

Next, try playing Blue Moon with the chord changes.

Here are a few progressions to practice:

The next rhythm we will be learning is the Twist Rhythm.
The rhythm encompasses a three-note pattern using the left hand. Fortunately, these notes are mirrored by the right hand.

Try beating out a fast 8 ½ beats per bar with your right hand.

Next, mirror the notes on the beats with the other hand.

Say the beats as you practice them out loudly. Do this so that you know when to add the left hand notes. E.g. “ONE and two AND three and FOUR and ONE and two AND three and FOUR and”.
This practice will make you get used to the rhythm as a PURE rhythm. Tapping the rhythm with your hands on a table also assists with keeping track of the notes.
Try playing a few tunes using this rhythm.
Shift this new rhythm using the C chord to the chords of Am, F, and G. Follow this by playing the progression in the Let’s Twist Again style.

Here are a few songs to practice the rhythm on: