Today we’re learning The Magical Pentatonic Scale.
We have the left handed patterns sorted, now we’re on to the right. Today you’ll learn the easiest scale of all: The Five Note Pentatonic Scale
This scale has always been there- since the dawn of time. Its beauty lies in the wide variety of chord changes (although in its relevant keys). The sound is amazing and mesmerizing.
The construction of the style is simple. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th of the major scale is played (exclude 4th and 7th). Playing chord changes in the C key, the C pentatonic scale should be as follows:

Now you’ll notice that you’ll be playing the same left hand chord changes as you did in exercise 1. The difference is that this time you’ll be playing any notes of the C pentatonic scale in the second half of the separate bars.
Try various techniques- run up two or three octaves. Play each chord change once, holding it for two bars, if you want to experiment more.
Ballad Style Exercise 3

Below are a few pentatonic patter ideas.
Try the following patterns if you prefer a structural approach. The patterns below only contain the notes of the pentatonic scales only. Any fingering can be used.
1. Straight up and down

2. Three steps forwards, one step backwards

3. As Above (in reverse)

4. Use scales notes in order and vary note duration

5. Use scale notes in random order, vary note duration